Welcome to the ScrollsUnsealed information site. If you are a seeker, if you have always been interested in things you are not supposed to know, or in things you have always been lied to about, there is something here for you.

I am not a Christian (though I was for the first twenty-six years of my life). I don’t practice or identify with the Jewish faith (though I did convert to Judaism many years ago). I no longer believe in either of those religions – or any religion. But I never lost interest in the history and development of the Hebrew Scriptures or the Christian Bible. That interest was greatly enhanced with the long overdue release of the bulk of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the public in 1991.

At first glance, one may be tempted to categorize the information here as “conspiracy theories.” But theories are the smallest part of the material presented in my books and on this site. My primary interest is in uncovering information many people don’t know exists, or if they do, they may not know how to access. Because I think about these things – I do have theories. But I have no desire to sell you any of my theories.

My promise to you is that I will go out of my way to separate the facts presented from the theories they suggest to me. You will of course, consider any new facts in relation to everything you already know and believe. Hopefully, you will find tools here to modify or enhance your knowledge based on more complete information.

I have always loved this subject. I began studying the Bible when I was twelve years old. This was intense study – not fluff from a Sunday School curriculum. From the beginning I was fascinated with prophecy and eschatology. I only went to law school because I could not afford to do graduate studies in archaeology. But that did not stop me from learning to read Hebrew and from studying Koine Greek in a Christian college. This is the culmination of more than fifty years of continuous learning. It has truly been a life-long obsession.

I hope you enjoy this site and that you find something useful here. In selecting what to post on this site, my focus is primarily on whether or not it would have been helpful or interesting to me twenty-five years ago. If the answer is yes, or if I just think it is really cool, it will get posted.